Fathom tools

Fathom consists of small individual tools that you can combine and use to learn whatever you want.


What is it?

FNS is a self-directed learning community where we're learning about programming and systems. It's organized around Learning Adventures, scoped, structured and documented learning experiments for individuals and groups.

It's structure its documented in an open manual for you to take and use for your own learning communities.

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What is it?

Credentials are essential for learning. They're how you communicate your experiences to others, whether that's learning organizations or employers. They're also used to measure your own learning, to understand what you know.

Assess is a peer-to-peer consensus protocol for creating and issuing credentials for any subject.

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How are we using it?

Assess isn't live yet, but it's being actively developed. We plan to use it to measure individuals learning, organize work, and much more.


What is it?

hyperlink.academy is an online university that lives in the links between personal websites. Here we learn about the internet.

The structure is simple. The academy has 6-week long semesters. Anyone is welcome to enroll and anyone can facilliate a course on anything related to the internet (programming, communities, hardware, music, anything).

© Learning Futures Inc 2020