Joining Fathom

Welcome to Fathom!

We're slowly growing our community so we have a bit of a DIY onboarding process. Scroll down and read more!

Joining FNS

Currently fathom is centered around FNS, an online place learning of learning. You can join the discourse instance here

Once you're there take a look around and see what people are up to! Once you're ready give the manual a read to figure out how everything works.

Embarking on an Adventure!

The core process of fns is a "learning adventure", basically a self-contained learning experiment. You decide what you want to learn, how you want to learn it, and when, and create a public post on the FNS forum, for others to learn from, and support you!

Your first adventure

There are a couple things that are really useful for you as a learner. One of those is an online identity, a website and a domain name you control. If you don't already have it, this is a great way to anchor your first learning adventure.

The structure for your learning adventure can be really simple:

  1. Set yourself a question to answer. It can be anything, as long as you think you could reasonably answer it in one week.

  2. Get a domain name and figure out how to publish a website to it. Services like netlify or wordpress are perfect for this, but if you get stuck just ask for help from the community

  3. Publish a post on your new website answering these questions:

    1. What was the answer to your question (or as far as you got)?

    2. What tools or systems did you use to find that answer?

    3. How was the learning you had to do to create your website connected to the learning you had to do to answer your question?

The idea here is to do two things at once, both learn a particular subject, and set up infrastructure for your learning. These are both things you'll constantly have to do as you grow as a learner, so we want to start practicing asap!

© Learning Futures Inc 2020